حلول الأسئلة


How does the father want George to drive?


He wants George to drive slowly and carefully.

مشاركة الحل

!Unit 2: Drive Slowly

Quick Check

A. Vocabulary. Match the two words.

1. steering E
2. wind A
3. dash F
4. seat B
5. rereview D
6. road C

B. Comprehension. Answer about the car and the driving instructor.

1. Does the car have a global positioning system? Yes, it does.
2. What kind of transmission does it have? It has automatic transmission.
3. Is it a four-door car? No, it isn't.
4. What does the instructor want people to do? He wants people wear seat belts, to drive carefully, not to speed, and to obey road signs.

3 Grammar

A. Rewrite the sentences. Use adverbs of manner.

1. Badr is an aggressive driver. Badr drives aggressively.
2. Stunt pilots fly in a dangerous way. Stunt pilots fly dangerously.
3. Fadwa and Amal are enthusiastic readers. Fadwa and Amal read slowly.
4. Saeed is a really good player. Saeed plays really well.
5. Sabah is a quiet talker. Sabah talks quietly.
6. Khalid is a hard worker. Khalid works hard.
7. Majid and Ali are fast runners. Majid and Ali run fast.

B. Complete the conversation. Use adverb forms of the adjectives in parentheses. Then practice the conversation with a partner.

A: Well, my son Brian drives recklessly (reckless). He doesn’t stop at stop signs, and he’s usually over the speed limit.
He’s always in a hurry.
B: My son Alexander drives well (good), but he sometimes drives too
fast (fast). I’m afraid he’s going to have an accident one of these days.
A: Well, Brian got a ticket because he was driving too fast (fast). He had to go to a special class for people who drive dangerously (dangerous).
But he still doesn’t drive carefully (careful). Next time he is going to lose his license.

C. Complete the conversations using your own words.

1. A: I’m afraid I’m running out of gas.
B: You should stop at a gas station.
2. A: The sign says 80 kilometres per hour, and I’m doing 90.
B: Then you must slow down.
3. A: I’m lost. I don’t know which way to go.
B: I think we should stop and ask someone for directions.
4. A: I need to make a phone call. Can you please hold the steering wheel?
B: You must not make a call when you're driving.
5. A: The car won’t start. There’s plenty of gas. I wonder what the problem is.
B: You should call a mechanic.

D. Work with a partner. Discuss what you shouldn’t/must not do in the situations shown by these signs.

1. You shouldn't ride your bike here.

2. You must not litter.

3. You shouldn't swim here.

4. You shouldn't use your cell phone here.

5. You must not feed the squirrels and pigeons.

6. You shouldn't camp or have a campfire here.

7. You must not park here.

4 Language in Context

1. Mark the things that characterize an aggressive driver.
2. Mark the things you should/must do when you encounter one.
3. Compare and discuss your answers with a partner.

What to Do Aggressive Drivers
T Get out of the way. T Drive dangerously and recklessly.
Challenge them to show you aren’t scared. T Go through stop signs and red lights.
T Ignore them and their gestures. Are courteous to other motorists.
T Avoid eye contact. T Tailgate–drive closely behind the car in front.
Blow your horn. T Blow their horns and flash their lights.
T Report them to the authorities. Let others pass them.
Other Other:

5 Listening

Listen. Brandon is having a driving lesson.
Mark the things he does right and wrong.

Wrong Right
T 1. start the car.
T 2. hold the steering wheel.
T 3. obey the speed limit.
T 4. park.

8. Conversation

About the Conversation

1. How does the father want George to drive?

He wants George to drive slowly and carefully.

2. What should George do before he starts the car?

George should put on his seat belt.

3. What does the father say about the time to arrive at the airport?

He says that you should always arrive at the airport two hours before the departure.

4. What must George watch out for?

George must watch out for traffic.

9 Reading

After Reading

A. Answer true or false.

1. True in England, people drive on the left.
2. False in Japan, people drive on the right and walk on the left.
3. False in France, people probably always drove on the right.
4. True Many countries use left or right because of England and France.
5. True Some countries changed to driving on the right.

B. Match. Find the meaning of the word in bold type from the reading.

1. e Historians investigate questions about past events. They read old records to find answers.
2. b There is some confusion over the history of the use of the right or the left. People aren’t sure of what happened.
3. a At the end of the war, the large country conquered the small one.
4. d In some countries, the custom is to drive very fast on large roads.
5. c There was a trend toward energy-efficient cars at the start of the twenty-first century.

11 Writing

B. Complete the sentences with words from the box. Find the meaning of any new words.

1. Due to the fact that many adolescents are unable to control their emotions and impulses they are prone to road rage.
2. Teenagers are easily distracted by their cell phone or by other people in the car. As a result, they don’t pay careful attention to the road.
3. Teenagers are still mentally young and immature. For this reason, they are not responsible drivers.
4. Since adolescents don’t have much experience behind the wheel, they don’t have the reflexes to react quickly.
Consequently, they are more likely to cause an accident than an experienced driver.

C. Complete the chart with notes about why the legal driving age should be over 16.

Results Reasons
Would be beneficial to everyone's safety. Adding more mature drivers to the road rather than immature drivers.
It wouldn't be very safe at all. If we have a lot of daring drivers on our road.
People in a rush tend to not pay as much attention as someone who is calmer. An 18-year-old may not be in a rush as much as a 16-year-old might be.
It would greatly increase the safety of road travel. Changing the driving age to 18 years old or older.

D. Write an essay to argue why the driving age in some countries should be raised to 18 or older. Use
your notes from the chart and ideas from this unit.

Why the driving age in some countries should be raised to 18 or older. Between 1995 and 2004, there were 30, 917 fatalities in accidents that involved 15 to 17- year-old drivers, according to a study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. About a third of those deaths were the teen drivers themselves. The rest were pedestrians, passenger, and people in cars that teenage drivers struck.

Reason #1

The older the teen, the more mature they are. It is a proven fact that the older someone is the more mature they are, and adding more mature drivers to the road rather than immature drivers would be beneficial to everyone's safety.

Reason #2

The younger the teen, the more daring they are. If we have a lot of daring drivers on our road it wouldn't be very safe at all. By taking less daring teens and putting then behind the wheel we would be saving lots of lives.

Reason #3

My last reason is that an 18-year-old may not be in a rush as much as a 16-year-old might be. People in a rush tend to not pay as much attention as someone who is calmer and takes their time.

I think that the driving age should be changed to 18 years old because it would greatly increase the safety of road travel. The majority of my class agrees with this change.

12 Form, Meaning and Function

A. Report the requests and commands.

1. ''Put on your seat belts,'' the father said to his children.

The father told his children to put on their seat belts.

2. ''Would you drive us to the airport?'' Abdullah’s cousins asked him.

Abdullah’s cousins asked him to drive them it the airport.

3. ''Please don’t drive so fast ''the woman said to her husband.

The woman said to her husband not to drive so fast.

4. ''Don’t ride your motorcycle in the rain,'' said the mother to her son.

The mother told her son not to drive his motorcycle in the rain.

5.''Could you please fill up the gas tank?'' the man asked the gas station attendant.

The man asked the gas station attendant to fill up the gas tank.

6. ''Can you check the brakes?'' Ahmed asked the mechanic. ''They don’t work well.''

Ahmed asked the mechanic to check the brakes.

B. What did the driving instructor say? Write the requests and commands.

1. Turn onto the highway carefully.

2. Could/Would/Can/Will you drive faster?

3. Don't tailgate.

4. Watch out for the motorcycle!

5. Could/Would/Can/Will you pull over and stop the car?

مشاركة الدرس


How does the father want George to drive?


He wants George to drive slowly and carefully.

!Unit 2: Drive Slowly

Quick Check

A. Vocabulary. Match the two words.

1. steering E
2. wind A
3. dash F
4. seat B
5. rereview D
6. road C

B. Comprehension. Answer about the car and the driving instructor.

1. Does the car have a global positioning system? Yes, it does.
2. What kind of transmission does it have? It has automatic transmission.
3. Is it a four-door car? No, it isn't.
4. What does the instructor want people to do? He wants people wear seat belts, to drive carefully, not to speed, and to obey road signs.

3 Grammar

A. Rewrite the sentences. Use adverbs of manner.

1. Badr is an aggressive driver. Badr drives aggressively.
2. Stunt pilots fly in a dangerous way. Stunt pilots fly dangerously.
3. Fadwa and Amal are enthusiastic readers. Fadwa and Amal read slowly.
4. Saeed is a really good player. Saeed plays really well.
5. Sabah is a quiet talker. Sabah talks quietly.
6. Khalid is a hard worker. Khalid works hard.
7. Majid and Ali are fast runners. Majid and Ali run fast.

B. Complete the conversation. Use adverb forms of the adjectives in parentheses. Then practice the conversation with a partner.

A: Well, my son Brian drives recklessly (reckless). He doesn’t stop at stop signs, and he’s usually over the speed limit.
He’s always in a hurry.
B: My son Alexander drives well (good), but he sometimes drives too
fast (fast). I’m afraid he’s going to have an accident one of these days.
A: Well, Brian got a ticket because he was driving too fast (fast). He had to go to a special class for people who drive dangerously (dangerous).
But he still doesn’t drive carefully (careful). Next time he is going to lose his license.

C. Complete the conversations using your own words.

1. A: I’m afraid I’m running out of gas.
B: You should stop at a gas station.
2. A: The sign says 80 kilometres per hour, and I’m doing 90.
B: Then you must slow down.
3. A: I’m lost. I don’t know which way to go.
B: I think we should stop and ask someone for directions.
4. A: I need to make a phone call. Can you please hold the steering wheel?
B: You must not make a call when you're driving.
5. A: The car won’t start. There’s plenty of gas. I wonder what the problem is.
B: You should call a mechanic.

D. Work with a partner. Discuss what you shouldn’t/must not do in the situations shown by these signs.

1. You shouldn't ride your bike here.

2. You must not litter.

3. You shouldn't swim here.

4. You shouldn't use your cell phone here.

5. You must not feed the squirrels and pigeons.

6. You shouldn't camp or have a campfire here.

7. You must not park here.

4 Language in Context

1. Mark the things that characterize an aggressive driver.
2. Mark the things you should/must do when you encounter one.
3. Compare and discuss your answers with a partner.

What to Do Aggressive Drivers
T Get out of the way. T Drive dangerously and recklessly.
Challenge them to show you aren’t scared. T Go through stop signs and red lights.
T Ignore them and their gestures. Are courteous to other motorists.
T Avoid eye contact. T Tailgate–drive closely behind the car in front.
Blow your horn. T Blow their horns and flash their lights.
T Report them to the authorities. Let others pass them.
Other Other:

5 Listening

Listen. Brandon is having a driving lesson.
Mark the things he does right and wrong.

Wrong Right
T 1. start the car.
T 2. hold the steering wheel.
T 3. obey the speed limit.
T 4. park.

8. Conversation

About the Conversation

1. How does the father want George to drive?

He wants George to drive slowly and carefully.

2. What should George do before he starts the car?

George should put on his seat belt.

3. What does the father say about the time to arrive at the airport?

He says that you should always arrive at the airport two hours before the departure.

4. What must George watch out for?

George must watch out for traffic.

9 Reading

After Reading

A. Answer true or false.

1. True in England, people drive on the left.
2. False in Japan, people drive on the right and walk on the left.
3. False in France, people probably always drove on the right.
4. True Many countries use left or right because of England and France.
5. True Some countries changed to driving on the right.

B. Match. Find the meaning of the word in bold type from the reading.

1. e Historians investigate questions about past events. They read old records to find answers.
2. b There is some confusion over the history of the use of the right or the left. People aren’t sure of what happened.
3. a At the end of the war, the large country conquered the small one.
4. d In some countries, the custom is to drive very fast on large roads.
5. c There was a trend toward energy-efficient cars at the start of the twenty-first century.

11 Writing

B. Complete the sentences with words from the box. Find the meaning of any new words.

1. Due to the fact that many adolescents are unable to control their emotions and impulses they are prone to road rage.
2. Teenagers are easily distracted by their cell phone or by other people in the car. As a result, they don’t pay careful attention to the road.
3. Teenagers are still mentally young and immature. For this reason, they are not responsible drivers.
4. Since adolescents don’t have much experience behind the wheel, they don’t have the reflexes to react quickly.
Consequently, they are more likely to cause an accident than an experienced driver.

C. Complete the chart with notes about why the legal driving age should be over 16.

Results Reasons
Would be beneficial to everyone's safety. Adding more mature drivers to the road rather than immature drivers.
It wouldn't be very safe at all. If we have a lot of daring drivers on our road.
People in a rush tend to not pay as much attention as someone who is calmer. An 18-year-old may not be in a rush as much as a 16-year-old might be.
It would greatly increase the safety of road travel. Changing the driving age to 18 years old or older.

D. Write an essay to argue why the driving age in some countries should be raised to 18 or older. Use
your notes from the chart and ideas from this unit.

Why the driving age in some countries should be raised to 18 or older. Between 1995 and 2004, there were 30, 917 fatalities in accidents that involved 15 to 17- year-old drivers, according to a study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. About a third of those deaths were the teen drivers themselves. The rest were pedestrians, passenger, and people in cars that teenage drivers struck.

Reason #1

The older the teen, the more mature they are. It is a proven fact that the older someone is the more mature they are, and adding more mature drivers to the road rather than immature drivers would be beneficial to everyone's safety.

Reason #2

The younger the teen, the more daring they are. If we have a lot of daring drivers on our road it wouldn't be very safe at all. By taking less daring teens and putting then behind the wheel we would be saving lots of lives.

Reason #3

My last reason is that an 18-year-old may not be in a rush as much as a 16-year-old might be. People in a rush tend to not pay as much attention as someone who is calmer and takes their time.

I think that the driving age should be changed to 18 years old because it would greatly increase the safety of road travel. The majority of my class agrees with this change.

12 Form, Meaning and Function

A. Report the requests and commands.

1. ''Put on your seat belts,'' the father said to his children.

The father told his children to put on their seat belts.

2. ''Would you drive us to the airport?'' Abdullah’s cousins asked him.

Abdullah’s cousins asked him to drive them it the airport.

3. ''Please don’t drive so fast ''the woman said to her husband.

The woman said to her husband not to drive so fast.

4. ''Don’t ride your motorcycle in the rain,'' said the mother to her son.

The mother told her son not to drive his motorcycle in the rain.

5.''Could you please fill up the gas tank?'' the man asked the gas station attendant.

The man asked the gas station attendant to fill up the gas tank.

6. ''Can you check the brakes?'' Ahmed asked the mechanic. ''They don’t work well.''

Ahmed asked the mechanic to check the brakes.

B. What did the driving instructor say? Write the requests and commands.

1. Turn onto the highway carefully.

2. Could/Would/Can/Will you drive faster?

3. Don't tailgate.

4. Watch out for the motorcycle!

5. Could/Would/Can/Will you pull over and stop the car?